
The City of Lake Worth Beach is pleased to announce the Sixth Annual Historic Preservation Awards Program. This special event is intended to recognize and celebrate outstanding achievements of citizens and local businesses in preserving Lake Worth Beach’s historic resources. The preservation of the historic built environment safeguards the unique character and identity of Lake Worth Beach, while adding value to the community. This program seeks to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of the positive preservation efforts in the community and the beneficial impact these projects have in the City’s neighborhoods.


Any individual, organization, or project that has demonstrated outstanding achievement in historic preservation is eligible to receive an award.  Nominations may be submitted by any individual (including self-nomination) or agency.  Projects must be located within a City of Lake Worth Beach historic district and have been completed within the last 5 years.  Properties that have already received an award for a specific scope of work are not eligible to receive another award for that project.  Properties that currently have code compliance violations or liens are not eligible.


The City’s Historic Resources Preservation Board (Board) will judge the competition.  As such, the Board has the right to reassign award categories, to create or eliminate award categories, to determine additional recipients for a given award, to disqualify nominations that are incomplete, and/or to eliminate projects that did not adhere to the requirements of the Certificate of Appropriateness process or the Code requirements for historic preservation.

Judging shall be based on the following general criteria:

  • The application of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation, the City’s Historic Preservation Code, and the City’s Historic Preservation Design Guidelines
  • The overall positive impact on the City of Lake Worth Beach
  • The overall quality of the work and significance of the project or individual contribution
  • The individual or project’s ability to serve as an example of positive historic preservation efforts
  • The individual or project’s ability to promote the unique character and identity of the City’s historic resources and heritage

Award Categories

  • Rehabilitation: Acknowledges the compatible rehabilitation of a structure or building component and the preservation of historic character-defining features
  • Compatible New Construction or Addition: Acknowledges designs that are compatible in massing, scale, size, and architectural features within a historic district
  • Pivotal Preservation: Acknowledges an individual, group, or preservation project that had major impact on preservation of one of the City’s historic resources and on the City of Lake Worth Beach as a whole

Nomination Procedure

Each nomination shall be submitted in digital format, via email through a file share program, and must include:

  • A completed nomination form
  • A description of work (no more than 500 words) explaining the project or entity being nominated.  The description should identify the purpose and scope of work for the project, the compatible treatment of historic fabric, the ways in which the project meets the judging criteria, and why the nominee deserves an award.  The description may also include historical information about the property and any other details relevant to the nomination.
  • A minimum of five (5) color photographs of the property that convey the significance of the project.  For rehabilitation projects, before and after photographs are required.

Additional documentation may include:

  • Letters of support
  • Architectural plans/drawings


Nominations open on March 18, 2024.  All nominations are due to the Division of Planning, Zoning and Historic Preservation by 4pm on Friday, April 12, 2024. 

Assistance and Submittal

For more information, questions, and to submit a nomination please contact:

Annie Greening, Senior Preservation Planner

Yen Terefe, Preservation Planner

1Category (Req)
2Property Owner (Req)
3Submitter (Optional)
5Sign and Submit

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